Age: 33
Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Height: 6'1"
Build: Lithe
Hair: Ash Grey
Eyes: Violet
Relationship Status: Engaged to Tetra Muruc
Known Languages: Common, Vieran
Occupation: Freelance
Personality: Rude, Naive

Menace to Society:
Bug Boy:
Sharlayan Student:
Golmorran Deserter:
For Hire:

Works in the Underground:
Will do a -lot- for Gil:

RP LimitsI'm willing to RP mature/dark themes and content (Violence, Sexuality, Drug/Alcohol Use, etc.)Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. I am not considering permanent character death at this time.DisclaimersIC =/= OOC. Character is an asshole. The player is not.I am okay with bending lore when the situation calls for it.Elias is not strictly a family friendly character. If you dislike darker themes, we may not be compatible.If there's anything that makes you uncomfortable within the RP, please let me know in a whisper!No random ERP.